Saturday, 7 May 2011

God and The Concept of Black Holes

Dear Friends

In my previous blog, I talked about relation between various Natural Phenomena and God. In this article, we'll further go deeper into religious philosophies and logically try to relate various aspects of those philosophies to modern science. We'll also try to deduce some conclusions that seem to be fundamentals of life but science has yet to unearth those.

The philosophy that can be quoted as the best example for this case is the Hindu philosophy. For people who don't know, other than thousands of Gods and Goddesses, three main and highest levels of Gods signified in Hinduism are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu is The Keeper and Mahesh is The Destroyer. Two most important aspects of this philosophy are the Yugas (The Great Cycles) and Life of Brahma. It is pretty amazing how certain numbers have been quoted and explained in a mythological fashion. Clearly those numbers map to some universal phenomena however, proof is beyond science for now due to the extent of the figures achieved! You can find various views about those great cycles here :

As far as the concept of the Hindu Trinity is concerned, clearly the sages referred to the Universal cycle. Let us take the example of Black Hole that is synonymous to Universal cycle in the best possible manner known to humans. The name "Black Hole" is very typical for something considered exceptionally Holy by one of the greatest religious philosophies of the world. We also find that Universal Phenomena is considered to be God and is considered to be of a much higher level than natural phenomena occurring on Earth. Hence, it seems that universal and natural phenomena are rated significantly on the basis of their level in the universe. However, one of the most interesting aspects of Hinduism is that those sages were able to gather those scientific facts and portray them with such lucidity in ancient texts. Even if the tales are mythological or universal aspects of God represented as physical beings are imaginations, it is quite amazing that almost all concepts given in Vedas can be mapped to certain natural and universal phenomena (phenomena that people did not know about even a few centuries ago!!!). It signifies that those people had exceptional visibility on how the universal energy functions, the same visibility that modern science lacks even today. The fact that the sages gave extraordinary significance to this Universal phenomena and placed it a level significantly higher than Natural Phenomena on Earth shows that they knew a lot about the Universal concept of energy and matter.

Clearly, Black Holes cause the formation of galaxies by supplying matter, then there is a period of equilibrium wherein Black Holes maintain the balance and in the end is the Destruction of complete Galaxy. The three phases of Black Holes map quite clearly to the Holy Trinity. However, the physics that goes inside a Black Hole is quite intimidating and of course, modern science still has no clue about that. However, it does seem that "This" is one structure where Mass is truly converted to energy and vice versa in huge amounts. It is very logical that The Trinity or Three Universal Phenomena are aspects (though at a much higher level) of The Single Source of Energy or The Supreme God and this single Source or "ParamAtma" as Hindus call Him is given different names on the basis of functions He performs. This was done by the sages to clearly differentiate various characteristics/dimensions of God and not for people to fight over which aspect is more important or stronger. Clearly, all aspects are required for evolution to take place. This also means that Black Holes have a very high impact on the galaxy and are actually the source of energy on which whole Galaxy depends - no wonder, the Three Aspects carry such a weight in one of the most scientific (yet misunderstood even by Hindus) religions of the world.

However, there is something else of such an enormous significance that I wonder how does every GodMan or religious teacher miss it. The concept of creation, protection and destruction is not only prevalent in Black Holes but in everything contained in this Universe. That means The Trinity is not only synonymous to Black Holes but to yourself as well. The phenomena of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh occurs right in front of our very own eyes and even in ourselves and we just disregard it because it is far too obvious! Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are universal phenomenon that indicate the existence of God. They are shown having forms just to make it easier for humans to admire the magnificent power of God but are actually formless. What this means is that God's concept is true for everything - smallest to largest. All things in universe are created, go through what we call life cycle and are ultimately destroyed. However, what is not destroyed is the Energy. This further signifies that everything in this Universe is inter-related and the concept of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh exists for everything. Now, we may call This Universal Cycle as many Brahmas, Vishnus and Maheshas (Eg: Many Black Holes) or we can call this Universal Phenomena as undeniable and most obvious concept of the Only Existent Truth.

In further blogs, I will talk more about the Universal aspects of God, Consciousness and Avatars and the role of the Universe in the all major Phenomena on functioning of life on Earth.
