Saturday, 21 February 2015

Theory to Experience of God!!

Dear Travellers,

I'm back after a long long time and I never knew my life was going to change so much.

The simplest way to reach the Ultimate is to drop all concepts of God we have formed in mind. As soon as that happens, the Real starts showing Itself.
The simplest way to move from theory to Experience of God/Existence is to first understand what everyone is running after. Consider this - you suddenly won a lottery worth 5000 Billion dollars - what will you do immediately after this? You will rejoice and relax absolutely. Eventually, mind may take over and you may start running after new material stuff, sex, travel etc. BUT the first and foremost is JOY AND RELAXATION. You are running after absolute relaxation and absolute Happiness - Bliss. Sex that follows Love is so fulfilling because it takes you to the state of absolute relaxation momentarily during orgasm BUT you can stay in that state forever!!!!

And that is the thumb rule. God simply IS - you just need to remove misery and pains from life and move to absolute FREEDOM, RELAXATION, JOY, LOVE. The way to do that is through Meditation. Meditation is the ULTIMATE SOLUTION. Ultimate pinnacle of Meditation is GOD or Experience of GOD. In ultimate pinnacle Experience and one who Experiences become one. You become the experience.

I got associated with School of Life in India. They have absolute modern techniques to take us into meditation. We have so much info in our heads that we are not able to sit absolutely relaxed straightway due to which we need techniques. And they give it mostly free - the highest service to mankind. You can message me to understand meditation and discuss experience.

All I can say in the end is THANK YOU, EXISTENCE for entering my life.
Here is the link -
