Wednesday, 27 April 2011

God - The Logical Explanation - Part 2

Dear Friends

In my last blog, I talked about higher dimensional energies that form an important part of natural phenomena for humans. That includes Air, Sun, Fire, Water, Earth and many others. All these natural phenomena are normally linked to Gods and Goddesses in various religions. I also discussed appropriate reasons that signify that God does exist logically and there has to be a Single Source of Energy where all dimensions converge.

Since millenniums, humans have been awestruck by the forces of nature - Sun. Moon, Water, Fire, Sky, Air and many others. On one hand, nature creates and nurtures life on planet Earth and on the other, nature's fury can literally wipe off every single living organism on this planet. It is but natural that nature was considered as a form of God. However, along with that certain deities were also associated with nature. Those higher entities or deities may simply be higher dimensional forms or those may even not exist. It is entirely possible that those deities were imaginations of our ancestors so that every element, characteristic and process of nature could be worshiped. However, it is also possible that certain special higher forms of self aware energies or deities are able to actually control the natural processes (life and death, Rain etc.) , elements(Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Sky/Heaven etc.) and characteristics(Beauty, Wealth, Power, Knowledge etc.) of nature.

What we can deduce from above statements is that those natural phenomena are an aspect of the God and may or may not be specific deities. It seems that our ancestors imagined those deities in human form to make us more aware about the awesome powers and aspects of the Single Energy Source.

Hence, logically, it is desirable to associate all aspects of nature and any deities to The God (The Real Source that controls all dimensions). Eg: If you worship the Sun Deity, it is desirable to understand the fact that you are worshiping an aspect of The God and even if you worship multiple gods/deities, the God remains the same. The point I am trying to make is that many people keep fighting over whose God is superior and in all this they forget the fact that there is only One God (formless) where all the existing dimensions converge.

In my next blog, we'll further try to understand the natural phenomena and relate that to logical aspects of God's existence. We'll also try to understand why do people pray to Sun and other stars, Moon, Planets and Black Holes! Stay tuned for Part 3.

Comments invited.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

God - The Logical Explanation

Who is God ? -- Many people ask this question - sometimes to themselves and sometimes to others. But barring some enlightened few (that public follows without any logic), no one seems to know.

However, if one thinks logically, the answer to this question is very simple. It is only the realms of mind that one has to expand to understand God. First of all we all need to understand that there is only and only one God (I know this has been said many times) but, there are multiple levels of dimensions and hence multiple individuals or entities at various levels that do God’s work.

Consider this - A wooden table lies in front of you. If you want you can break it and end its life. On the other hand, a human created it as well. Non-Living things are thought to be non dimensional objects as they are not aware of their surroundings at all (or so it is thought). Bad or good surroundings will not bring about any change in them as they are not aware and do not reproduce. For those objects, humans, animals and even insects are Gods because those are higher dimensional beings. Similarly, humans are Gods for lower dimensional organisms including simple organisms, insects and animals because we do have the power to help these entities to sustain life and enough power to take away life as well.

Hence, God for humans can be supposed to be a higher dimensional energy that has sufficiently higher dimensions that humans in physical form cannot attain It is entirely possible that there are multiple levels of those higher entities that exist and may or may not have a physical form. However, above the highest of forms must exist the Single Source of Energy that has Highest number of dimensions possible, even infinite. That Single Source provides energy to everything in a very logical fashion (which we'll discuss in further blogs) and hence, every form that we can comprehend is a manifestation of that energy itself or it is that Source that drives everything.

Hence, all of us right from zero dimensional entities to higher dimensional entities are manifestations of God that can never be destroyed. The easiest way to say is that energy never gets destroyed, it is only transformed. Hence, God is the energy that drives everything. It is not a single physical entity but energy that exists everywhere (omnipotent) and in everything. This single source of boundless energy is timeless and has the maximum dimensions possible.

In many philosophies, Gods are depicted as physical beings that control nature and other phenomena. All those are energies in higher dimensions and every God in most religions can be defined using certain natural phenomena.

I’ll cover more on God - The logical explanation in second part. Stay tuned because the next one is going to be an eye opener.